
DVT vs Pulmonary Embolism as Principal Diagnosis


In this course, participants will delve into the intricate world of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) diagnoses. This comprehensive program explores the challenging task of determining the principal diagnosis when both DVT and PE are present, using real-life case scenarios to enhance coders' understanding of code assignment and sequencing. Participants will gain in-depth knowledge about DVT and PE, their risk factors, symptoms, complications, and diagnostic methods. The course also addresses the complex decision-making process involved in selecting the principal diagnosis, considering various clinical factors and official coding guidelines. With a focus on practical application and clinical insights, this course equips medical coders with the skills needed to navigate the coding dilemmas presented by DVT and PE cases.

Included Lessons:

  • What is Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)?
  • What is Pulmonary Embolism (PE)?
  • The Dilemma
  • What Should The Coder Look For To Determine Principal Diagnosis?
  • DVT vs Pulmonary Embolism Example 1
  • DVT vs Pulmonary Embolism Example 2
  • Coding Information and Coding Clinics Pertaining DVT and Pulmonary Embolism
CEUs available for the following credentials:




Key Takeaways

Overall, completing this course equips medical coders with the expertise and confidence needed to accurately code and sequence DVT and PE cases, ensuring proper documentation and reimbursement in a healthcare setting. Some key takeaways include: 

  • In-Depth Knowledge of DVT and PE: Participants will have a thorough understanding of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), including their causes, risk factors, symptoms, and complications.
  • Diagnostic Methods: Coders will be well-versed in the various diagnostic methods used for DVT and PE, such as duplex ultrasonography, D-dimer blood tests, contrast venography, and imaging tests like MRI and CT scans.
  • Treatment Options: The course covers the different treatment options for DVT and PE, including medication, compression stockings, thrombolytics, and surgical procedures like thrombectomy and embolectomy.
  • Coding Skills: Participants will gain proficiency in assigning accurate ICD-10-CM codes for DVT and PE cases, taking into account the specific clinical details and circumstances of admission.
  • Principal Diagnosis Selection: Coders will learn the intricacies of determining the principal diagnosis when both DVT and PE are present, considering factors like the reason for admission, clinical indicators, treatments, and coding guidelines.
  • DRG Impact: Participants will understand how the selection of the principal diagnosis affects Diagnosis-Related Groups (DRG) assignment and the associated reimbursement rates.
  • Clinical Decision-Making: The course emphasizes the importance of clinical decision-making in coding, where coders must analyze patient records to identify the diagnosis that best reflects the patient's condition and the purpose of the admission.
  • Practical Application: Through case scenarios and real-life examples, coders will gain practical experience in applying their knowledge to code DVT and PE cases accurately.

Benefits of Taking this Course

  • Enhanced Coding Proficiency
  • Career Advancement
  • In-Depth Understanding of DVT and PE Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Efficient DRG Assignment
  • Greater Confidence
  • Increased Accuracy


How do I determine the principal diagnosis when a patient has both DVT and PE?
Selecting the principal diagnosis involves considering the circumstances of admission, clinical indicators, treatments, and coding guidelines. Coders should analyze the patient's medical record thoroughly to identify the diagnosis that best reflects the reason for admission and the primary focus of treatment.
What are some key risk factors for DVT and PE?

Risk factors for DVT and PE include factors like recent surgery, immobility, injury to a vein, increased estrogen levels (e.g., due to birth control pills or pregnancy), certain chronic medical conditions (e.g., heart disease, cancer), family history, age, obesity, and the presence of a catheter in a central vein.

What diagnostic methods are commonly used for DVT and PE?

Diagnostic methods include duplex ultrasonography, D-dimer blood tests, contrast venography (invasive), and imaging tests like MRI and CT scans. These tests help confirm the presence of blood clots in deep veins and pulmonary arteries.

About our Medical Coding Courses

HIAlearn, powered by Health Information Associates (HIA)—a leader in medical coding and auditing for more than three decades—offers a comprehensive online education platform for medical coders. With a catalog of over 200 medical coding courses accepted by the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and a selection approved by the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC), HIAlearn caters to both beginners and experienced medical coders seeking to enhance their skills. The platform provides an array of training plans tailored to meet individual learning needs, from mastering challenging coding procedures to understanding broad conceptual frameworks within the coding world. Courses are available across various coding types including CPTE/M, ICD-10-CMICD-10-PCS, and are designed to cater to different coder levels and coding specialties such as inpatientoutpatientprofee, and CDI. Additionally, HIAlearn offers a Coding Updates bundle to ensure coders are up-to-date with the annual changes in ICD-10-CMICD-10-PCSCPT, and IPPS. Beyond individual learning, HIAlearn supports organizations with group discounts, promoting enhanced coding accuracy, efficiency, and compliance across teams. 

Price : $35.99
Courses : 1
Code Type