
Genitourinary Disorders ICD-10-CM Coding


This course offers a comprehensive exploration of medical coding for genitourinary disorders. Within this program, participants will delve into the intricate workings of the urinary system, from its role in kidney filtration to the regulation of fluid balance. Throughout the course, you will gain expertise in the precise assignment of codes for challenging conditions such as hydronephrosis with calculus obstruction and urinary tract infection, Foley catheter trauma, catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI), as well as the nuanced coding of cystocele, rectocele, enterocele, and uterine prolapse. Additionally, hematuria and its connections to various medical conditions will be thoroughly covered. With comprehensive explanations and practical insights, this course equips medical coders with the essential knowledge and skills required to accurately code and navigate the complexities of genitourinary disorders in ICD-10-CM.

Included Lessons:

  • The Urinary System
  • Pyonephrosis
  • Foley Trauma
  • Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI)
  • Cystocele/Rectocele/Entercele with Prolapsed Uterus
  • Hematuria with Associated Conditions
CEUs available for the following credentials:




Key Takeaways

Completing this course will empower medical coders with the knowledge and skills needed to confidently and accurately code genitourinary disorders in accordance with ICD-10-CM guidelines, ensuring both compliance and the delivery of high-quality healthcare services. Some key takeaways include:

  • In-Depth Urinary System Knowledge: Participants will have a thorough understanding of the urinary system's anatomy and functions, including the roles of kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra in filtration, waste removal, and fluid balance regulation.
  • Accurate Coding for Hydronephrosis: Coders will become proficient in assigning correct codes for hydronephrosis, especially in cases involving obstruction by calculus with a urinary tract infection (UTI), and learn how to identify the infectious organism causing the UTI when applicable.
  • Foley Catheter Trauma Coding: The course will provide clarity on coding "Foley trauma" by distinguishing between different scenarios, such as injuries resulting from catheterization versus those due to patient manipulation. Coders will also learn how to use complication codes and external cause codes appropriately.
  • Catheter-Associated UTI (CAUTI) Coding: Coders will gain insights into the complex coding of CAUTIs, including when to query physicians for clarification and what clinical indicators to consider. Accurate CAUTI coding is crucial for quality indicators and reimbursement.
  • Understanding Cystocele, Rectocele, Enterocele, and Uterine Prolapse: The course will cover the nuances of coding these conditions, including grading levels for cystoceles and differentiating between complete and incomplete uterovaginal prolapse.
  • Hematuria Coding: Coders will be able to accurately code hematuria, distinguishing between gross and microscopic hematuria and understanding when to report hemoglobinuria. They will also learn how to handle hematuria following urinary tract procedures.
  • Reference Resources: Participants will be provided with valuable references such as Coding Clinic guidelines and CMS articles to assist in accurate coding and to stay updated on industry best practices.
  • Enhanced Querying Skills: The course will equip coders with the ability to effectively query physicians for clarification when documentation is unclear, ensuring accurate coding and compliance with coding guidelines.
  • Quality Indicator Impact: Coders will understand how their coding decisions can impact quality indicators for healthcare facilities, emphasizing the importance of precision in medical coding.

Benefits of Taking this Course

  • Greater Knowledge
  • Higher Accuracy
  • Career Advancement
  • Increased Confidence
  • Improved Querying Skills
  • In-Depth Understanding of Urinary System Anatomy and Related Medical Conditions


What is the significance of learning about the urinary system in this course?

Understanding the urinary system is crucial because it forms the foundation for coding genitourinary disorders. The urinary system's functions, anatomy, and related conditions directly impact how we assign accurate ICD-10-CM codes for various diseases and complications.

What's the distinction between Foley catheter trauma and how should they be coded?

Foley catheter trauma coding depends on the nature of the trauma. If the trauma results from catheterization, use a complication code like N99.71. If it's due to a patient pulling out or manipulating the catheter, code S37.30X_ with the appropriate seventh character for the encounter. Always consider external cause codes when applicable.

How should coders handle catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI)?
Coders should query the physician when it's unclear whether a UTI is related to a catheter. Factors like frequent catheter changes, a history of CAUTI, or culturing the catheter tip upon admission can indicate a CAUTI. Accurate coding is essential, as it impacts quality indicators.

About our Medical Coding Courses

HIAlearn, powered by Health Information Associates (HIA)—a leader in medical coding and auditing for more than three decades—offers a comprehensive online education platform for medical coders. With a catalog of over 200 medical coding courses accepted by the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and a selection approved by the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC), HIAlearn caters to both beginners and experienced medical coders seeking to enhance their skills. The platform provides an array of training plans tailored to meet individual learning needs, from mastering challenging coding procedures to understanding broad conceptual frameworks within the coding world. Courses are available across various coding types including CPTE/M, ICD-10-CMICD-10-PCS, and are designed to cater to different coder levels and coding specialties such as inpatientoutpatientprofee, and CDI. Additionally, HIAlearn offers a Coding Updates bundle to ensure coders are up-to-date with the annual changes in ICD-10-CMICD-10-PCSCPT, and IPPS. Beyond individual learning, HIAlearn supports organizations with group discounts, promoting enhanced coding accuracy, efficiency, and compliance across teams. 

Price : $35.99
Courses : 1
Code Type