
Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) ICD-10-CM Coding


This course is designed to help medical coders learn about the importance of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) in medical coding. SDOH refers to the conditions where people are born, grow, live, work, and age, and these factors can influence a person’s health and well-being.

Included Lessons:

  • What are Social Determinants of Health?
  • SDOH and Coding
  • Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting SDOH
  • Things to Consider in Coding SDOH Codes
  • Documentation of SDOH
  • How are SDOH Codes Used?
  • SDOH Errors Found on Audits
  • Queries for SDOH
  • Challenges for SDOH
  • Coding Clinics Pertaining to SDOH
  • CMS Documents
CEUs available for the following credentials:




Key Takeaways

  • Introduction to SDOH: The course will provide a fundamental understanding of what the SDOH are, and why they are essential in medical coding and healthcare outcomes.
  • Official Guidelines and Directives: Participants will learn the official guidelines for coding SDOH, including any directives from authoritative bodies such as the American Hospital Association (AHA).
  • Identification Challenges: The course will discuss the difficulties and challenges that coders might face in identifying and correctly coding SDOH data in medical records.
  • Application in Medical Coding: Coders will learn how to practically apply SDOH in coding, ensuring that these non-medical factors influencing health outcomes are correctly and effectively documented in patient records.
  • Importance of Accurate SDOH Coding: Emphasis on the significance of accurately coding SDOH for a comprehensive understanding of patients’ health statuses and needs, which aids in better healthcare delivery and addressing health inequities.
  • Updates and Current Best Practices: Coders will be updated on the most recent developments, best practices, and guidelines in SDOH coding, ensuring that their knowledge and skills are current and effective.
  • Role in Addressing Health Inequities: Understanding how proper coding of SDOH can contribute towards addressing and reducing longstanding health inequities and improving overall public health.
  • Practical Application and Reporting: The course will enhance the practical skills of coders in reporting SDOH, aligning with official reporting guidelines and contributing to comprehensive and accurate patient records.

By completing this course, medical coders will be better equipped to identify, understand, and accurately code SDOH, contributing to improved healthcare documentation and outcomes.

Benefits of Taking this Course

  • Fundamental SDOH Understanding
  • Learn Official Coding Guidelines
  • Overcome Identification Challenges
  • Apply SDOH in Coding
  • Ensure Accurate SDOH Coding
  • Updated Best Practices
  • Address Health Inequities
  • Enhanced Reporting Skills


What are Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) in medical coding?
SDOH in medical coding refers to capturing non-medical factors that influence health outcomes in medical records. These include economic stability, neighborhood and physical environment, education, social and community context, and health care access.
Why is it essential to accurately code SDOH in medical records?

Accurately coding SDOH is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of a patient’s health status and needs, aiding in effective healthcare delivery and addressing health inequities.

How does this course update medical coders on SDOH best practices?

The course provides the latest developments, guidelines, and best practices in SDOH coding, ensuring that coders’ knowledge and skills are current, relevant, and effective.

About our Medical Coding Courses

HIAlearn, powered by Health Information Associates (HIA)—a leader in medical coding and auditing for more than three decades—offers a comprehensive online education platform for medical coders. With a catalog of over 200 medical coding courses accepted by the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and a selection approved by the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC), HIAlearn caters to both beginners and experienced medical coders seeking to enhance their skills. The platform provides an array of training plans tailored to meet individual learning needs, from mastering challenging coding procedures to understanding broad conceptual frameworks within the coding world. Courses are available across various coding types including CPTE/M, ICD-10-CMICD-10-PCS, and are designed to cater to different coder levels and coding specialties such as inpatientoutpatientprofee, and CDI. Additionally, HIAlearn offers a Coding Updates bundle to ensure coders are up-to-date with the annual changes in ICD-10-CMICD-10-PCSCPT, and IPPS. Beyond individual learning, HIAlearn supports organizations with group discounts, promoting enhanced coding accuracy, efficiency, and compliance across teams. 

Price : $35.99
Courses : 1
Code Type