Suzy May
Director of Education and Quality

Suzy May

Sherrills Ford, NC
40+ years of experience

Suzy MayCDIP, CCSCIRCC has over 37 years expertise in the areas of ICD-10-CM and PCS, CPT, DRG/APC, Interventional Radiology and Cardiology and Facility E&M Coding. Her career has included significant roles such as Review Consultant, Senior Consultant, and Interim Coding Management at several acute care hospitals. These positions have allowed Suzy to not only apply her extensive coding knowledge but also contribute to the improvement and efficiency of healthcare documentation and billing processes. Suzy attended Allan Hancock College and is currently Senior Consultant for Health Information Associates Inc., a healthcare consulting firm specializing in coding compliance review, education and contract coding services.

Popular Courses

Training Plans

We have gathered up our most popular courses into specific training plans. We offer training that are specific to code type - ICD-10-CM, ICD-10-PCS, CPT, and Evaluation and Management, as well as by popular diagnoses, procedures, and body systems.