Training Plans



This training plan offers a comprehensive foundation in essential medical coding topics. Covering diagnosis coding, ICD-10-PCS procedure coding, and CPT procedure coding, this program provides a well-rounded education for medical coders. Students will explore a diverse range of subjects, from deciphering abbreviations and definitions in coding to handling complex areas like cardiovascular diseases, surgical procedures, and infectious diseases, including COVID-19. With a focus on precision, students will gain proficiency in assigning codes, interpreting clinical records, and adhering to coding guidelines. This training plan equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to embark on more intense study.

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Key Takeaways

Medical coders who complete this comprehensive training plan will leave with several key learning takeaways:

  • Proficiency in ICD-10 and CPT Coding: Students will have a solid understanding of both ICD-10 diagnosis coding and CPT procedure coding, enabling them to accurately translate medical records into the appropriate codes.
  • Comprehensive Disease Knowledge: They will acquire in-depth knowledge of various diseases and medical conditions, including their diagnoses, treatments, and coding implications, enhancing their ability to assign accurate codes.
  • Surgical Procedure Expertise: Coders will become skilled in coding complex surgical procedures, such as coronary artery bypass grafts, endarterectomy, and laparoscopic surgeries, ensuring precise documentation of healthcare interventions.
  • Specialized Coding Areas: They will gain expertise in specialized coding areas, including obstetrics, psychiatric diagnoses, trauma, and infectious diseases like COVID-19, enabling them to handle diverse medical records.
  • Medical Record Interpretation: Students will learn how to effectively read and interpret medical records, operative reports, and clinical documentation, ensuring accurate code assignment.
  • Coding Guidelines Mastery: They will become well-versed in coding guidelines, including external cause coding, principal diagnosis selection, and present on admission reporting, ensuring compliance with industry standards.
  • Modifiers and Querying Skills: Coders will develop proficiency in using modifiers (such as modifier 59) and effectively querying physicians to resolve coding ambiguities and ensure accurate code assignment.
  • Attention to Detail: This training emphasizes the importance of precision and specificity in coding, enabling coders to minimize errors and accurately reflect patient conditions.
  • Ethical Coding Practices: Students will learn the ethical aspects of coding, including coding for medical necessity, adhering to coding ethics, and ensuring coding accuracy and integrity.

Benefits of Taking Training Plan

  • Enhanced Skills
  • Career Advancement
  • Increased Precision and Accuracy
  • Broad Knowledge Base
  • Critical Thinking 
  • Professional Growth


What is the difference between diagnosis coding (ICD-10) and procedure coding (CPT and ICD-10-PCS)?

Diagnosis coding (ICD-10) focuses on identifying and classifying patient conditions, diseases, and injuries. Procedure coding (CPT and ICD-10-PCS) involves coding specific medical services, surgeries, and interventions. Diagnosis coding informs why a patient received treatment, while procedure coding specifies what was done.

How can I improve my accuracy in medical coding?

To enhance coding accuracy, it's essential to:

  • Thoroughly understand coding guidelines.
  • Keep up-to-date with code updates and changes.
  • Review medical documentation carefully.
  • Seek clarification from healthcare providers when needed.
  • Practice coding scenarios regularly.
  • Audit your own work and learn from coding errors.
How do I handle coding scenarios with unclear or missing information in medical records?

When faced with incomplete or ambiguous documentation, medical coders should:

  • Seek clarification from healthcare providers through queries.
  • Use coding guidelines and their best judgment to assign codes.
  • Document any assumptions made during coding.
  • Ensure compliance with facility-specific coding policies.

About our Training Plans

HIAlearn Training Plans are developed to educate the coder in specific coding topics that have proven to be problematic. They are designed to focus on one area in detail, providing the coder with a thorough clinical knowledge of the diagnosis or procedure utilizing videos, photos, and valid websites to aid the coder in fully understanding the topic. Official coding advice and scenarios are utilized to integrate the clinical knowledge provided. Once you complete all the lessons within one course, a 10 question quiz follows. Upon completion, students will have a thorough knowledge of clinical concepts and coding guidelines of the particular topic. Participants have the option to submit their completion certificates to AHIMA, with a selection also available for AAPC CEU(s).  Learn more about us »

Cost : $310.99
Courses : 70
Calendar HIAlearn
Access : 180 days